Two Women.

Two Women.

One sanctifed her homely household labor
With patient kindness and with tender
Love this seal upon her faithful Aervice
Sweet peace and joy ilmum’ed her placid face
Her presence seemed to those for whom
she wrought With blessing and with benediction fraught.

The other tolled with fretful, work re- pining.
Bullen of Viange, cheerless, heavy-eyed:
Missing the joy of loves unselfish inbor.
“I wenry of this conseless toll,” she cried:
“I hate thene narrow walls and duty’s chains,
And long for broader fields and higher planes.”

One caught the morning sunlight on the mountain,
The noontide splendor and the twi light’s spell:
And heard with Joy Creation’s vocal an- therm.
The other walked alone where shadows fell.
One face, uplifted, shone with Heaven’s own light;
The other, downcaat, made of noonday night.
-Elizabeth Hardy.

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