We’ve Heard it Before.

We’ve Heard it Before.

A million must toll that a thousand may play-
It’s the same old story;
The man in the shop yearns to pitch the new hay,
The hand in the field longs to hurry away to labor in town for $ a day-
It’s the same old story; And wifle, because it’s the fashion, will sigh
For a month at some place where the prices are high.
While hubby-um, well, you can guess, you and I-
It’s the same old story.
The city bay fools with the big bumble bee-
It’s the same old story:
An urchin is bent o’or a weak woman’s knee-
It’s the same old story. The same sky dips down to the same spreading sea
As it did when Eve tackled the wrong apple tree,
And hello! Why, yes; here is your old college chum,
With his heels all run down and a bulbous nose-Come!
Why, surely, old man, for the sake of one-
It’s the same old story. –
S. E. Kiser

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