Railroad Song
bandRailroad Song
Singing through the forests
Rattiing over ridges,
Shooting under arches
Rumbling over bridges,
Whizzing through the mountains
Buzzing o'er the vale:
Bless me! this is pleasant,
Riding on the rail
Men of different stations…
Belle Brandon
bandBelle Brandon.
'Neath a free by the margin of the woodland.
Whose spreading leafy boughs sweep the ground.
With a path loading thither o'er the prairie.
When silence hung her night garb around:
There often I have wandered in the evening.
The Song Of Perry’s Victory
bandThe Song of Perry's Victory
Ye tars of Columbia, give ear to my storys
Who fought with brave Perry when cannons did Four!
Your Valor has kained you an Immortal glory
A fame that will last until time is no more
Columbian tars are the true…
By E. Nesbit.
Let Summer go
To other garders, here we have no need of her.
She smiles and beckons, but we take no ha ed of her,
Who love not Summer, but bare boughs and snow.
Set the snow free
To choke the insolent triumph of…