Sweet Evelina

Sweet Evelina. 212.6 Way down in the meadow. Where the lily first blows, Where the winds from the mountain Never ruffles the rose. Lives fond Evelina, the sweet little dove, The pride of the valley. The girl that I love. Chorus Sweet Evelina,…

Reading the Appointments

Reading the Appointments. 453.2 I was sitting in a wing slip, near the stern rail, When the Bishop oarne in softly, with a face rene but pale, And a silence indescribably pathetic in its power, Such as might have reigned in heaven then that…

Oh, When I Was Single

Oh, When I Was Single. 239.5 Oh, when I was single, oh, then, Oh, when I was single, oh, then, oh, then. Oh, when I was single the money would jingle, And I wish I was single again. I married me a wife, oh, then. I married me a wife, oh,…

An Old Classic

An Old Classic 1342 11 send a song which describes the pic- ture that used to appear on the first page of Valley Farmer It is one we used to sing at school when I was a child to the Tune the Old Cow Died On-Mrs Z Gil- liland, Marengo, 1111 Old…

A Song Of The Seasons

A Song of the Seasons 1476 Fair wakes the world in the golden dawn of April Flushed with happy dreams to the young heart'a core, Fresh, like her larks, from a dew bath in the dulsics Wiatry foes behind her, and her bliss before Fair, how…

Misrepresentative Women

Misrepresentative Women 1482 I should like to remark that Dame Rumor Is the most unalluring of jades; She has little or no sense of humor, And her fables are worse than George Ade's- (Or rather, I mean, if the reader prefers, That the…

The Rooter’s Rotary.

The Rooter's Rotary. 521.7 From the lady dressed in red With a hat upon her locks Bigger than the batter's box, With a tongue that wags along From the first tap of the gong; "Who is that nice looking man Over there the one that ran?"…

Hurrah For Roosevelt

Hurrah For Roosevelt. 176.2 I see a grand old castle. With turret tall and grim, O'ergrown with climbing ivy. Till you scarce can see within. And it the quaint old ruin. That stands upon the wall, I seem to hear the knights of old, In joyous…

The Ballad of Any Old Thing.

The Ballad of Any Old Thing. 527.6 Old Chippendale and Sheraton, Old Delft and willow-pattern ware, Point-lace and ancient Honiton, And grandsire's clock upon the stair, A Watteau fan that waved in air As Beauty's shield and sceptre, too,…


HARD TO BEAT. WILLIAM A. THOMPSON. 506.2 Last night I held a little hand So dainty and so neat, Methought my heart would burst with joy, So wildly did it beat. No other hand into my soul Could greater solace bring, Than that I held last…

The Coral Inseel.

The Coral Inseel. 256.1 Toll on! Toll out Yo ephemeral train, Wh ouild in the tossing and treacherous main; Toll en! For the wisdom of man ye mock. With your sand based structures and domes of rock; Your estumes the fathomless fountains…

A Little Phgrim

A Little Phgrim. 256.3 One sitmmer's evening, ere the sun went down, When city men were hustening from the town. To reach their homes-some near at hand, some far- By snerting train, by omnibus, or car, To be beyond the reach of city din…

He’s Had No Show

He's Had No Show. 344.6 Joe Reell 'ud set upon a ker. Down to the groc'ry store, an' throw One leg right over t'other leg An' swear he'd never had no show. "Oh, no," said Joe, "Hain't…

The Buffer’s’ Fate

The Buffer's Fate. 239.9 You've seen the cur dog chase the cat As though to eat her up- You've seen the cat's tail swell before This quite ferocious pup. You've seen the cat then turn around, All ready for a fray: And then you've seen…

Welcome Stranger.

Welcome Stranger. 360.4 Like a large check from a departed aunt; Like a young chicken in a restaurant; Like a half dollar in last year's vest; Like a brief sermon on the day of rest; Like a late breakfast on a holiday; Like the kind note…

Two Lovers.

Two Lovers. 304.3 Two lovers by a moss grown spring, They leaned soft cheeks together theres Mingled the dark and sunny hair. And heard the wooing th thrushes sing. Oh, budding time! Oh, love's best…

Repartee Irlandaise.

Repartee Irlandaise. 550.2 Once a man with a scolding wife couldn't agree, And the priest was called in to see what could be done. From your scolding and fight- ing, your neighbors," said he, "Imagine you're twenty in- stead of being one. That…

Make Good.

Make Good. 500.4 If you start to do a thing, Make good; If it be to dance or sing, Make good; If it be to write a famous book Or to be a noted cook, Do your best, by hook or crook, Make good, If you say you'll make a name, After love or…


THE IRISH PIPES. 447.2 I heard the piper playing. The piper old and blind: And know its secret saying- The voice of the summer wind. I heard clear waters falling, Lapping from stone to stone. The wood dove crying and calling. Ever alone,…


ANECDOTAL. 489.5 It was an anecdotard And his evil passion grew, Until his friends were driven mad And fled his yarns, and then he had No one to tell 'em to. And did the ancient bore despair? Oh, not by any means! Those anecdotes of…