After the Night.
UncategorizedAfter the Night.
There la never a night so dark
But that sunshine will follow soon;
And when everything dreary seems,
With the world as all out of tune,
Then life's storms may be passing by.
To be followed by brighter days,

Baby In Church.
UncategorizedBaby In Church.
Aunt Nellie bad fashioned a dainty thing
Of Hamburg and ribbon and lace,
And mamma had said, as she settled it round
Our beautiful baby's face,
Where the dimples play and the laughter
Hes Like sunbeams hid in her…

UncategorizedIN AUTUMN.
This delicate day speaks tenderly of death,
And the dismantled trees before her strew
Leaves that are lovely, too;
Scorch'd to a flame-like semblance by his breath,
Who glow'd for them the summer through.
A settled sadness…

Within a windowed niche of that high hall
Sat Brunswick's fated chieftain: he did hear
That sound the first amidst the festival.
And caught its tone with Death's prophelle ear;
And when they smiled becaure he deemed deemed…

“Hello. Central.”.
Uncategorized"Hello. Central.".
Papa, I'm so sad and lonely.
Sebbet a tearful little child:
Since dear mamma's gone to heaven,
Dearest napa, you've not smiled.
I will speak to her and tell her
That we want her to come home.
Just you listen and…

Locating Uncle Joe.
UncategorizedLocating Uncle Joe.
Our Uncle Joe a rover was; he loved to sail the sea.
The far-off corners of the globe he sought with fervid glee.
And so, to keep our minds at rest and calm our anxious fears,
He sent us postal cards -the kind they…

Little Orphant Annie.
UncategorizedLittle Orphant Annie.
Little Orphant Annie has come to our house to stay,
To wash the cups an' saucers up and brush the
crumbs away.
An' shoo the chickens off the porch and dust the hearth and sweep,
An' make the fire and bake the bread…

“Father Has Turnes the Dear Picture, Again”.
Uncategorized"Father Has Turnes the Dear Picture, Again".
A lasste came home who for years had been gone,
Her pride had been conquered, a mother's love worn,
In youth she had married the choice of her heart,
And lived from her home and her kind.…

Too Busy
UncategorizedToo Busy
I don't want to ruh the kenity
It's more pleasant, I allow
To set here in the grocery
An' tell the other fellers how,
An' say, "Dad guin 'em! things air wrong!
An' kin tell ye why!"
I don't keer to run the kentry:

UncategorizedTHE FABRIC OF LIFE.
In the loom of life we weave each day
On the warp of circumstance
The colors grave and colors gray,
However threads may chance.
But the web is ours to make or mar,
And the pattern we may choose;
We may make the…

Weather Talk.
UncategorizedWeather Talk.
Our dear old Hoosier poet, Jlm Riley, tells us:
It ain't no use to grumble and complalu,
It's jest as cheap and easy to rejoice:
When God sorts out the weather and sends rain,
Why, rain's my choice.

The Siege of Belgrade.
UncategorizedThe Siege of Belgrade.
An Austrian army, awfully arrayed,
Boldly, by batters, besleged Belgrade;
Cormack comunanders cannonading come
Dealing destructions devastating doom;
Every endeavor, engineers PRERY.
For fame, for fortune,…

She Was Bred in Old Kentucky
UncategorizedShe Was Bred in Old Kentucky.
When a lad I stood one day
By a cottage far away:
And that grand, day to me all nature seemed more
For my Sue, with blushes red,
Had just promised me to wed.
And I'd came to ask her mother for her hund.

Coasting Thoughts
UncategorizedCoating Thougts.
The little lad
Is aught but sad.
With joy he's quite athrin
From wars to toes
When swift he goes
A-sliding down the hill.
But many times
His wary groans outpop
As back he slowly climbs
Unto the top.
The man of biz

Song of the Snow Bird.
UncategorizedSong of the Snow Bird.
The ground was all covered with snow one day,
And two little sisters were busy at
A now bird was sitting close by on play: n tree
And merrily singing his chick-a-de-de.
He had not been singing that tune very…

We are in receipt of an unpretentious book of verse entitled
"Underneath the led "Un Bough" (The Grafton Press).
The author is George Allan Grafton Press).
George Allan England, whose name is fa- miliar to…

A Nautical Extravagance.
UncategorizedA Nautical Extravagance.
I stood one day by the breezy bay
A-watching the ships go by,
When a tired tar said, with a shake of his head:
"I wisht I could tell a he!
"I've seen some sights as would jigger yer lights,
And they've jiggered…

The cares of wealth, so we are told,
Forbid the smile and chaff:
The julep holds the only mint
Whose owner dares to laugh.

There was a lonely maiden
Who lived in Androscoggin,
She got a half-formed notion
Into her little noggin.
And when she had completed it,
And cruel Fate defeated it,
She used up all her patrimony
In waging war…

God’s Pretty Things.
UncategorizedGod's Pretty Things.
There's never a rose in all the world,
But makes some groen spray sweeter;
There's never a wind in all the sky
But makes some bird's wing fleeter.
There's never a star but brings to heaven
Some silver radiance…