I Just Came Back to Say Goodbye.

I Just Came Back to Say Goodbye.

A loving husband held his wife ploen to his throb bing heart,
“Be b brave, And paidy hard to part my darling, for 1 know ‘Lis
I leave you with my dearest friend, who’ll watch c’er babe and you.”
Then, gently kissing hot good-by, said: ‘Tom, oid friend, be true
Their strong bande met in one firm elaap, then Jim walked down the lane,
But stopped a moment and turned back to kiss hie wife agnin
He found them both in close embrace: Nell’s head on Tom’s breast lay
He gave one agonizing cry, and sobbingly did say:

I just came back to say good-by and preas you to my heart,
To tell you how I love you once again before we part.
I only want to hear your voice, and gase into your eye.
I just came back to kiss your lips, and then to say good-by.

“Twas in a miner’s cabin in the lone hille far away,
A miner sat one evening-it was Jim, his hair turned gray.
His heart calls out for his dear wife, he softly breathes her nanie.
I wonder do they think of me together in their shame.
A man stops at his open door, his lips so parched and dry.
I’ve found you, Jim; I’ve done no sin. Old friend I’m going to die.
Your wife la true, I swear to you by yonder star’s bright ray.
I oniy wiped her tears away when you came back to say:

I just came back to say good-by, and press you to my heart:
To tell you how I love you once again before we part.
I only want to hear your voice and gaze Into your eye.
I just came back to kiss your lips, and then to say good-by.

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