
Has it got the union label, McGin- nis used to say,
Has it got the union label, show it to me if you’re able,
If it hasn’t got the label take the bloomin’ thing away.

McGinnis had no children though he hoped to have some day.
And his wife who “seen her duty” was opinioned the same way.
So when the stork arrived one day and brought a bouncing boy,
McGinnis was elated-he was over- come with joy.
He looked the baby over-his face wreathed in a grin-
When all at once a thought occurred which filled him with chargin.

Has it got the union label, McGin-nis used to say.
Has it got the union label, show it to me if you’re able,
If it hasn’t got the label take the bloomin’ thing away.

Now Joseph A. McGinnis was a man of good repute:
He went to church on Sunday in his union taliored suit.
Like many other union men he led a blameless life,
And when he died the neighbors sald “the blow will kill his wife.”
He reached the pearly gates on time as upright spirits do;
“Welcome,” was Peter’s greeting. and “I have a harp for you.”

Has it got the union label, McGin- nis used to say,
Has it got the union label, show it to me if you’re able,
If it hasn’t got the label take the bloomin’ thing away.
-Wm. F. Kirk,

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