The After Part

The After Part. 208.4 After the showers the tranquil sun; Silver stars when the day is done. After the snow the emerald leaves: After the harvest, golden sheaves: After the clouds, the violet sky; Quiet woods when the wind goes by. After…

Please Come and Play in the My Yard

Please Come and Play in the My Yard. 89-4 Two little girls, with two little curia, were living side by side: Ons little mald, cach morning played, in a yard so grand and wide. But in the next house, na poor as a mouse, s chlid gazed longitiyly. "Till…

City Children.

City Children. 528.1 Palo towers are you that scarce have known the sun! Your little faces like sad blossoms seem Shut In some room, there helplessly to dream Of distant glens where through glad rivers run. And winds at evening whisper. Daylight…


PAIRY OF EARLY FALL. 549.1 If on the path without a word of warning. A web of laces, with silver meshes hoary, And sparks of fire, lles any shining morning, What fairy, you will ask, has wrought this glory Is that the old elm tossing like…


A CREED FOR JUNE. 404.3 I believe in the love of the earth for the morning, While tree tops talk of the day to come; I believe in the gladness of hopes a-born- ing While yet the lips of them tremble- dumb. I believe in the wet, fresh smell…

Where Is My Boy Tonight.

Where Is My Boy Tonight. 457.6 Where is my wandering boy tonight- The boy of my tenderest care, The boy that was once my joy and light. The child of my love and prayer Chorus- O where is my boy tonight? O where is my boy tonight? My heart…

The Bubble and the Gold.

The Bubble and the Gold 374.1 THE diver in unshapely coat of mail Sank eagerly to search out hintedgold. With passing interest, as his lines were told, The crowd looked on-then turned with shouts to hail A gaily clouted clown in shallop frail. Who…

The Days.

The Days. 275.10 Got to start another week! Laws-a-goodness, me! Days, dey seems to hop along As hasty as kin be. I likes to min' my manners, But It ain't no use to try: I can't say "Howdy, Monday," Foh nex Saturday comes byl It ain't…

A Family,

A Family. 400.1 Whenever a man's to be shot in the back. And the shooter escape by a hypocrite's tack: When a bully is wanted to stand in the dark And without word or warning, to make for his mark One unsuspecting, unknowing, unarmed,…

His Own Affairs.

His Own Affairs. 447.5 So much advice he gave away To win the crowd's admiring shout, That when he needed some one day He found his store had given out. -Washington Star

Little Robbie Reed.

Little Robbie Reed. 480.4 I will never use tobacco, no! It is a filthy weed: I will never put it in my mouth, Says little Robble Reed. Why, there is idle Jerry Jones, As dirty as a pig. As dirty Who smokes when only 10 years old. And…

Just Tell Them That You Saw Me.

Just Tell Them That You Saw Me. 336.9 One day while in Chicago. While strolling down the street. 'Twas after business hours of the day. I saw a girl who shrank from me, In whom I recognized My schoolmate from a village far away. "Is that…

The Harvest Maids

The Harvest Malds 702 (Four society girls of Walla Walla, Wash, are helping their father harvest his wheat-Press Dispatch) You can talk about your bridge whist girls, And those who love pink teas, Or the girls that drive their motor-boats Right…

Panting for Heaven.

Panting for Heaven. 350.2 Ye angels who stand 'round the throne And View my Immanuel's face, In rapturous songs make him known. Tune, tune your soft harps to his praise. He formed you the spirits you are- So happy, so noble, so good. When…


WHAT SHE CAN DO. 467.6 "Ever-up-to-date" in Watertown Public-Opinion: She has no dog to fondle, She has no cat to pet; She does not own a parrot; She leads no social set: She writes no learned papers To read where women meet, But she…


A NEW POET. 485.2 The new poet, Archie Sullivan, whom Appletons have discov- ered, has been writing a series of remarkably fine poems on precious stones. The verses are gems in themselves, and Mr. Sullivan has polished them with the skill…

For the New Year.

For the New Year. By HENRY VAN DYKE. 122.5. These are the gifts I ask Of thee, Spirit serene; Strength for the dally task, Courage to face the road, Good cheer to help me bear the traveler's load. And, for the hours of rest that come between,…

The Royal Way of the Cross.

The Royal Way of the Cross. 553.3 We may spread our couch with roses. And sleep through the summer day. But the soul that sloth reposes Is not in the narrow way. If we follow the chart that is given We need not be at a loss, For the…


Opportunity. 153.1 Send forth your heart's desire and work and wait The opportunities of life are brought To our own doors, not by capricious fate, But by the strong, compelling force of thought. …

The King Of The Fourth Of July

The King of the Fourth of July By William Francls O'Donnell 21 Author: William Francil O'Donnell Did our forefathers wot, when they shattered Our English-forged fetters, that they Would give reign to a lord more tyrannic Than even King George…