Doin’ Well in Georgia

Doin' Well in Georgia. 165.8 Well in Georgia. We're doin' well in Georgia As well as well can be. The rivers eing in muste On their way to meet the ne An' the winds they join in chorus As they wase the blossoms five. An' the stare that…

The Wants of Man.

The Wants of Man. 592.2 "Man wants but little here Nor wants that little long." 'Tis not with me exactly so, But 'ds so in the song. My wants are many, and if told Would muster many a secre; And were each wish a mint of gold. I still should…

The Bugs’ Tea Party

The Bugs' Tea Party. 133.6 Little Miss Cricket, she gave a tea party Out under the haystack Inst night; A toadstool was able to serve for the table, And glow worms stood round for the light. Old Mrs. Spider, the spinner of linen, Sent…


This is the story of Evarra-man- Maker of Gods in lands beyond the sea. Because the city gave him of her gold, Because the caravans brought turquoises, **** he made An image of his God in gold and pearl, With turquoise diadem and human…


Alexander. 230.8 Look here. Alexander. I was only forlingling: When I said another coon my heart was All the day I think of no one else but you Honest, Alexander, won't you please belteve me It would break my heart in we, if you should…


L'Envoi. 329.3 Absolve me, Prince; confession is all over. But listen and take warning, oh, my lover. You put to rout all dreams that may have been; You won the day, but 'tis not all to win; Guard well the fort, lest new dreams enter …


OUR BEAUTIFUL SPELLING. 319.3 There once was a man from St. Paul Who was so exceedingly taul, That it often was said. When he lay down in bed, His feet stuck clear out in the haul


Somebody. 160.11 'Somebody did a golden deed; Somebody proved a friend in need; Somebody sang a beautiful song; Somebody smiled the whole day long; Somebody thought, 'Tis sweet to live; Somebody said, 'I'm glad to give;' Somebody fought…

A Sad Tale.

A Sad Tale. 489.2 Indeed and I was true to Flo, loved her, and I was her beau. But ah, her vows she soon forgot; So now, you see, I'm her beau-not! -HAROLD SUSMAN.

A Sunset Panorama.

A Sunset Panorama. 384.6 See! At close of day in western sky. Those mountain clouds shine like Sinait Skirted with piumed tips aglow. Are zilvered creats, like peaks of snow, At foot of which gold tinged they pour Light's richer hues…

Let Us Gather Up the Sunbeams.

Let Us Gather Up the Sunbeams. 436.11 Let us gather up the sunbeams, Lying all around our path, Let us take the wheat and roses. Casting out the thorns and chaff; Let us find our sweetest comfort In the blessings of to-day, With a patient…

Darky Free Methodist Song.

Darky Free Methodist Song. 454.2 I pitched my tent in the wilderness. Down by the riverside: I pitched my tent in the wilderness, Down by the riverside. We'll end this warfare Down by the riverside: We'll end this warfare Down by the…


Home. 127.2 Sometimes, in dreams, I see a room With massive walls and fair; Rose-shaded lights shut out the gloom, The air is sweet with flowers in bloom. And you are there. Sometimes, the room I see in dreams Is homely, small, and bare;…


WATCH OUT. 383.3 Watch nut, Mister Hopper! It's soon yo' song begin: De mookin' bird-he see you. En he soou'll twitch you int Watch out, Mister Butterfly! Mighty fine you look: 14'1 gal a-chasin you. Ter press you in in book! Ain't…

The Chariots Of The Gods

The Chariots Of The Gods By Charles K Field 585 O Lares and Penates, Ye household gods we prize, Who smile on family parties And weep o'er broken ties; Now pour we due libation And gratefully admire The homely transportation That saved…


THE UNSUSPICIOUS TURKEY. 275.8 The turkey struts the barnyard now, Unmindful of the hours Ere he will grace the festive board Of Uncle Eara Powers, He little knows that every eye Is watching how he grows, And extra feed he gets just to…


Haheulinden. Thomas Camprell. 230.2 On Londen when the sun was low All brodless lay the untrodden snow, And dark as winter was the flow Of Iser, rollire rapidly. Fat Lindan saw another sight When the drum beat at dead of right, Commanding…


Halloween 22 Ah, Hallowe'en's the dandy night! Yet woe to the unwary, For in the dark one's apt to meet A Jack-o'-Lantern scarey This Hallowe'en, the Bunnies said, "Tonight we'll have some fun We'll make a Jack-o'-Lantern and We'll see the…

In Politics

In Politics. 240.5 An "issue" was noticed one day on the pike- 'Twas seeking for some one to lodge it; But all politicians displayed their dislike, And most of them tried hard to dodge it. 'Twas big as a house and quite fair to the eye- "But…