Charely Books.

Miss O'Dare, since I left the city I find I have changed my mind; O pray do not deem me fickle Or think me the least un unkind. For I find we were both mistaken, And that you would never want me, So my heart has turned to another; Miss…

Finnigan to Flannigan.

Finnigan to Flannigan. S. W. GILLILAN 416.7 Superintindint wiz Flannigan; Boss of the section wuz Finnigin; Whiniver the kyars got off'n the thrack An' muddled up things t' the divil an' back, Finnigin writ it to Flannigan, Afther the…


DEACON BROWN. 276.9 A plous man was Deacon Brown, He never raged or swore; A cyclone blew his kitchen down And through his orchard tore, But when he rose up somewhat dazed And took a long, full breath and gazed Upon the havoc that was…

The Friends

The Friends. By Charles Hanson Towne 95.4 By Charles Hanson Towne in Tom Watson & Magazine Share not thy joy with me, O friend the best; Thou may'st forget me then-I shall not care: But shut me from thy grief the bitterest, And mine own grief…

What Is The Mighty All?

What is the Mighty All? 1485 What is the mighty all-the main Of air, the earth, the ocean's plain, The wheeling world stupendously Hung in the void, the stars that flee And circle through the night, and we, With life and labor, mind and…


ARROYO AL ON ART. 591.3 I have jest been lookin' over a ten-cent magazine, And the Western pictures in it are the best I ever seen; The cowboys don't ride broncos, but are ridin' thoroughbreds, And halos of long ringlets surround their handsome…

Liked It.

Liked It. 528.8 A sweet little maiden named May Once strolled in a park o'er the way, She met a young man Who kissed her and ran, And now she goes there ev'ry day. -Denver…


NAVY OF THE SIOUX. 409.13 Talk about your warships, Clipping through the waves; Chant about the cruiser That the storm-sea bravest Out here in Dakota Where the grass is blue We've a fiercer navy- The navy of the Sioux. Summer long it's…

Tenting on the OId Camp Ground.

Tenting on the OId Camp Ground. 304.4 We're tenting tonight on the old camp grounds dive Give us mong to Our weary hearts. cheer Camp Ground. a song of home, And the friends we love so dear. Chorus- Many are the hearts that are wonry tonight,…


AN ODE TO SOUTH DAKOTA. Anna Quinn. 528.12 There's a land of milk and honey There's a land of golden grain, There's a land of waving corn fields, There's a land of plenty rain. There's a land where all are happy, There's a land where all are…


Living. Richard A. Haste 101-2 Richard A. Haste in Four Track News To touch the cup with eager lips, and taste-not drain it; To woo and tempt and court a bliss, but not attain it; To fondle and caress a joy, but hold it lightly, Lest it become…

Do Your Best

Do Your Best 1546 Do your best and leave the rest: Never mind to-morrow; He who works with happy zest Has no need to borrow Trouble from some future day True success will come his way Do your best and leave the rest! He who strives for…


Dead. 370.7 When I am dead if men can say He helped the world upon its way, With all his faults of word and deed Mankind did have some little need Of what he gave, then in my grave No greater honor shall I crave. If they can say if they…


VANITY. VANITY. 422.11 Fiirtilla had a brand-new purse, The latest thing-it cost a plie. Flirtilla's broke: this maid perserse She blew herself to be in style. Flirtilia wears it every minute, This gorgeous purse-with nothing in it! …

The Lesson

The Lesson Ella Wheeler Wilcox 91 When Thought, accustomed to appalling fact, Grow normal and regains its sway once more, Long buried Truth, within the hearts of men, Shall rise and roll away the Stone of self, And stand revealed in all its…


A GENTLEMAN 581-10 I knew him for a gentleman By signs that never fail; His coat was rough and rather worn, His cheeks were thin and pale A lad who had his way to make, With little time to play, I knew him for a gentleman By certain signs today. He…


CHRISTMAS NIGHT. 543.3 At last Thou art come, little Savior. And Thine angels fill midnight with song: Thou art come to us, gentle Creator! Whom Thy creatures have sighed for so long.

An Even Break.

An Even Break. 409.12 The farmer sows his crops, His wife sews his clothes, The farmer darns the winds. And the good wife darus his hose, The farmer pitches in the hay, But should he cross her whim. The good wife lays aside her work And…

Too Late.

Too Late. 330.3 And so you have comeback to me. Since time at last has set you free. And offered me again the heart Whose earthly hope was found in thee. And so you come to me once more, And say the old love's growing, yet You've tried…

The Need Of The Hour

The Need of the Hour 502 Now Molly scrubs the kitchen clean And fumigates the food, She germicides the soup tureen And also boils the wood; And ere she goes, at twilight cool, To do the milking now, She boils her hands, the milking stool,…