The Vacation Girl

The Vacation Girl 707 Sunburned to a bilster! Freckles mixed with tan! Has seen so many people That she hates her follow man Still she tells her story, Like some customed rhyme, Thoughtlessly repeated: " Had a lovely line!" Brother has a headache, Mother…

Pant Tree,

Pant Tree, 335.7 What does he plant who plants in (ree? He plants a friend of sun and sky: He plants a flag of breezes free: The shaft of beauty towering high: He plants a home to Heaven anigh For song and mother-croon of bird, In hushed…

Forest Ways.

Forest Ways. 116.5 I wandered down a forest path With arching branches over me. My soul within me burned with w wrath And, blind with hate, I could not see, From scenes of strife I went that day, From turmoil and from heavy care, And…

Battling for the Lord.

Battling for the Lord. 116.3 We've listed in a holy war, battling for the Lords Eternal life, eternal joy, battling for the Lord, Chorus We'll work till Jesus comes, We'll work till Jesus comes, And then we'll rest at home. I'nder our…

Never Alone.

Never Alone. 473.5 I've seen the lighining lashing. And heard the thunder rošt; I'vo felt ain's breakers dashing. Trying to conquer my soul: I've heard the voice of my Savior, Telling me still to fight on: He promised never to leave…


Ervesiorto. 294.4 The Carthusian monks in the time ofCortez established small monastery high up on the mountain slopes on the roa lending to Toluen, the capital of the State of Mexico, for th City of Mexico is in a district like Washington.…

Were I a Rose

Were I a Rose. 191.8. Wero I a rose, no thorn shoni dare Wound thy dear hand, s'en though you chose My choicest flow'r to pluck and wear: Were Fa rose Were I the sun, no ray should o'er Cause thee my ardent beams to shun I'd kiss…

The Dear Railroad Pass

The Dear Railroad Pass. 240.8 [No more railroad passes will be issued after the 1st of January.] How dear to my heart are the old railroad passes. As fond recollection presents them to view: The passes, which iifted me over the passes, The…

Live While You Live.

Live While You Live. 116.4 Just con this o'er before the fray And the rule will give you grit: The bitter sweet of yesterday Is today's own sweeter bit! Take life easy- Take life breezy: Live the hour you live. Joys and troubles Alike…

The Leak in the Dike

The Leak in the Dike. 212.1 The wood dame looked from her cottage At the close of the pleasant day, (And cheerily cailed to her little won Outalde the door at play: Come, Peter, come! I want you to go. While there is light in see, To the hut…

The Nameless Age.

The Nameless Age. 570.1 With a chainless bike, and a horseless car, And a ship that sails in air; With a prayerless church-in a Godless age- Excepting "science" prayer. With a tuneless song, and an artless art, Of "poster" girls galore,…


WILLIAM ALSO-RANDOLPH HEARST. 464.1 Willle runs a supplement which al- ways beats the news: Willle runs for president, with noth- ing much to lose- Willie's always running, whether .by request or not. Whenever there's a vacancy, it's wil- lle-on-the-Spot. Frisky…

The Sleeves Of Yesterday

The Sleeves of Yesterday 506 I wonder where the sleeves have flown That erstwhile hid milady's arms; The present show of flesh and bone Too oft reveals but doubtful charms A style the washerwomen set Is recognized as recherché- Dame…

Pictures in the Fire.

Pictures in the Fire. 485.5 When the winds whistle 'round the house And fields are brown and bare, I sit beside the roaring fire And watch the pictures there. The flames leap up and I behold A wondrous palace, bright, With arch and column…

The Grave of Bonaparte.

The Grave of Bonaparte. 266.7 The children are gath'ring from near and far, The trumpet is sounding the call for the war. The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearful and long. We'll gird on the armor, and be marching along. Chorus. Marching…


HUMILITY. 554.6 Ensainting all the visible world, the dim And reticent night upon the harvest lands In silent benediction lays its hands; Curved as the chine of a great beast, the grim Hill heaves against the sky its shaggy rim- One of…


PERSIAN PROVERB. 307.3 As trees of sandalwood make sweet The axe that lays them low, Let love enable thee to greet With friendliness thy foe; And though he smite thee, still to meet With blessing every blow. …


OCTOBER 5647 Ay, thou art welcome, heaven's licious breath! When woods begin to wear crimson leaf the And suns grow meek, and meek suns grow brief, And the year smiles as it draws near its death Wind of the sunny south! oh, still de- lay…


A WONDER. 436.9 Xenophon Wiseboy's a wonderful man, He's always evolving some curious plan For freeing the world from conten-tion and strife And scattering roses through every- one's life. He gets out his pen and a bottle of Inc And settles…

A Whisper.

A Whisper. 554.4 "I love you, dear." High in the tree That spread its sheltering branches near, A song-bird trilled an ecstasy. "I love you, dear." The gray mist rose from hill and mere, But no rain fell for you and me; And all our sky…