Playing Doss.

Playing Doss. 400.2 De bumble bee in tollin'. Like he's supposed to do: De garter snakes' uncoilla Foh to chase a bug or two: Do clouds is hurryin' on deir track. Dey's not de sky to oro An' I's Jes Iayin' on my back Out yere an playin'…


WE AND THE OTHERS. Puck. 335.3 I pity that poor Mrs. Jones; She works herself to skin and bones! Of course, in my case, I prefer To be my own help, as it were. Old Mrs. Johnson talks so loud Whenever she is in a crowd! To make my conversation…


THE ONE WHO GETS THE CAKE. 505.9 The man who is slow and collected May capture some prizes, perhaps: But the wideawake mind full of "ginger," you'll find, Is the one that gets into the "anaps." …


IN THE HEART OF THE WOODS. 403.2 In the heart of the woods there is love. I know, for I found! There's a carpet spread down for your feet, There are fragrances, lulling and sweet, There are posies abloom all around, And a banner of blue…

The Song of All Songs.

The Song of All Songs. 281.4 "My Johnny Is a Shoemaker." or "Any Other Man." "The Captain With His Whiskers" and "Annle of the Vale," Along with "Old Bob Ridley" "Ariding on a Rail." "Rocke Me to Sleep. Mother" "Going 'Round theHorn," "I'm…

The Soldier’s Dream

The Soldier's Dream. 154.1 Our bugles sang truce, for the night cloud had lowered, And the sentinel stars set their watch in the sky; And thousands had sunk on the ground over- powered. The weary to sleep, and the wounded to die. When reposing…

Flee as a Bird.

Flee as a Bird. 500.3 Flee as a bird to your mountain, Thou who art weary of sin: Go to the clear flowing fountain. Where you may wash and be clean. Fly for the avenger is near theo. Call and the Savior will hear thea, He on his bosom…

Mary, Queen of Scots.

Mary, Queen of Scots, 350.1 I saw that grief had decked it out, an offering for the tomb. I knew the eye, though faint its light, that once so brightly shone; I knew the voice, though feeble now, that thrilled with every tone. I knew the…


BRYAN. 404.1 In '96 when Bill came forth To slug the Moneyed Bully, The nation gasped from south to north; "Good gracious, ain't he woolly!" But since we've killed the Silve- Cow Anr raised the Golden Helfer. The "Cyclone from Nebraska"…

Beside the Golden Gate

Beside the Golden Gate. 24.2 Author: Robert McIntyre I. That fateful day the sea did take His silver trumpet up to wake The Mistress of the Keys, His beauteous bride. who sleeping lay Beside the door that guards the bay. Amid…

A Life Lesson.

A Life Lesson. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. 422.2 BY JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. There, little girl, don't cry! They have broken your coll, I know. And your tea set blue. And your play house, too, Are things of long ago: But childish troubles will…

The Farm’s Lost Pup.

The Farm's Lost Pup. 369.2 He was lost!-not a shade of a doubt of that: For he never barked at a slinking cat, But stood in the square where the wind blew raw With a drooping ear and a trembling: paw, And a mournful look in his pleading eye…

Sweet By and By

Sweet By and By. Eugene J. Hall 217.7 There are faces we fondly recall. That have vanished away from this vale. Like the leaves of the forest that fall, Not Readable Not Readable Not Readable Not Readable "To our bountiful Father above…

A Book of Verse.

A Book of Verse. 394.6 Meredith Nicholson has written number of poems, and his publishers have launched them upon a waiting world with n title that should send the author's name thundering down the aisles of the tem ple given to the specially…

A Voice in The Night.

A Voice in The Night. 128.1 The day had been so fraught with troublous care, My soul had been so cankered by the sting Of malice's sharp tooth, that suffering And wounded sore, even the sunset fair Seemed to my troubled eyes but as the…

The Pirate’s Serenade

The Pirate's Serenade 84-6 My boat's by the tower, my bark's in the bay And both must be gone ere the dawn of the day The moon's in her shroud, but to guide thec afar On the deck of the Dariln's a love lighted star Then wake, lady, wake…


IN AUTUMNTIDE. 308.1 The apple seeds are black at core; The linden leaves, like fairy ore. Shed the effulgence of their gold, Paving the pathways green before. More plaintive grows the thrush's pipe; The quince's cheek is yellow ripe;…

San Francisco

San Francisco 65 O stricken San Francisco, thou Fair queen of all the West! Thy ruined homes, thy bleeding hearts, The ories of thy distress'd, Fill all the land with sorrow, We mourn, as one, thy fate, The gay voice hushed, the form now crushed, Beside…


THE WAY OUT. 255.2 Why should weighty problems vex us? Glad commencement time is here, Bringing hosts of wise young persons Who would fix what's out of gear, There's the festive auto scorcher- Why not, friends refer his case To some…