Wake Nicodemus.

Wake Nicodemus. 261.8 Nicodemua the slave was of African birth. And was bought for a bag full of gold: He was reckoned a part of the sait of the earth But he died years ago very old. "Twas his last sad request, so we laid him away In the…


BLUFFING. 378.6 If mebbe in yer system there's a little sportin' streak You'll understand the joy of which I'm tryin' fur to spenk: When your kind of losing courage an' yer luck is runnin' hard, An' ye hold a bob-tail flush an' raise and draw…

All the World to Me

All the World to Me. 147.7 I love you 'tis the simplest way The thing I feel to tell; Yet if I told it all the day, You'd never guess how well: You are my comfort and my light- My very life you seem: I think of you all day-all night "Tis…

The Hush

The Hush 705 Cheese is still quiet-Newspaper Report of the Provision Market) With what unqualified delight We scan the dally press and see In memorable black and white That cheese, which is inclined to be A ""rowdy"" article of diet Is still…

Washing Day.

Washing Day. 378.4 But what he had to dine upon, In faith I shall not say, But I'll wager he'll not come again Upon a washing day. For it's thump, thump, etc. On the sad morning when I rise. I make a fervent prayer Up to the gods that…

A Domestic Mistake

A Domestic Mistake. 275.1 Van Winker kept a country store, and his clever Wife Jeannette Tended the children and the house, and saw that both ends met A happy couple! yet one night, when Van had made alors, He went unto his pleasant home-well,…

Battle Hymn Of The Republic

Battle Hymn of the Republic By Julia Ward Howe 897 BY JULIA WARD HOW Julls Ward Howe born into la best known to the American pubile by her splendid " Bustie This was published in A Later Lyrien became famous Hymn volume antities appearing…


AN OPTIMIST. 549.3 By its hopeful example the teakettle cheers Our lot when our cares are depressing; For although in hot water clear up to its ears It sings as if life were a blessing. It isn't worth while to fret, dear, To walk as behind…


THE BARREN YEAR. 403.1 I think perhaps my heart would be less If I need not look on lovers any more; If winter only lasted all the year, And one could sit alone in thoughtless peace Beside the chimney-place and only hear The wind-voice in…

The Raven.

The Raven. EDGAR ALLAN POE. 304.1 Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, er many Over a quaint and curious volume of for- Kotten lore. While i nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping. As of some one…

The Rose That All Are Praising

The Rose That All Are Praising. 84.10 The rose that all are praising Is not the rose for ine: Too many eyes are gazing Upon that costly tree, But I've a rose in yonder glen That shuns the gaze of other men, For me its bossoin raising-…


Now. 63.3 The golden leaflets fly Around the breezy knoll And wake our heartfelt sigh- Anent the price of coal. The doughnut leaps in glee And thrums its dainty lute, And on the willow tree Flip flaps the bathing suit. The lush persimmon…


THE DESPAIRING MUSE. 359.6 Somebody has stolen the old garden | gate, The millwheel has gone to decay. The old oaken bucket is missing of late, It must have been taken away. The little red school house is wreck- ed and torn down, Neglected…

The Major Breaks Into Rhyme

The Major Breaks Into Rhyme 101 Not less stentorian than the angry surf that beats the shore of, Monterey Bay is the lyric defy urled by Major McLaughlin, of Santa Cruz and San Francisco, at Wallace Irwin of New York Though of world-wide…

“Where Do You Go From Here?

"WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE? 4003 Human nature is pretty much alike the world over and all of the family are more or less curious in regard to circuses and circus people and natur ally ask questions of various kinds concerning when …

Nearluy True

Nearluy True. 202.11 Women wear nearsilk for dresses, Men now wear nearspats for spats, Lovers deal in nearcaresses, Women wear nearplumes on hats: Nearcut glass is sold for cutglass, Nearbooze goes as booze, you wis; And last night, when…


SINGING BIRDS FLY LOWEST. 500.8. The eagle builds his serie Far up the mountain height And birds of prey and proudly In upper realms of Ught; But the singing birds dy lowest, Amid the groves and flowers, Their gentler lives and voices…

I Love To Live

I Love to Live 845 "I love to live," said an aged man, Whose hour of dying was near at hand Think you such words from him were wi The old man was again a child Be it ever thus in this fallen world, Is the banner of hope to the breeze unfu And…


AH PICKS BY DE LIGHT O' DE MOON. 458.5 Ah knows a medda whar de grasgrows sweet An' lil' cool crik runs along. An' Ah wuke all day in de scotchin' heat, But at night jls' hear ma song Ah don' belong to no white man, Dis nigga's all his own; An'…


IF WE KNEW. 294.6 If we knew the cares and crosses Crowding round our neighbor's way; If we knew the little losses, Sorely grievous, day by day; Would we then so often chide him For his lack of thrift and gain, Leaving on his hearth…