Sweet Evelina

Sweet Evelina.

Way down in the meadow.
Where the lily first blows,
Where the winds from the mountain
Never ruffles the rose.
Lives fond Evelina, the sweet little dove,
The pride of the valley. The girl that I love.

Sweet Evelina, dear Evelina,
My love for thee will never, never dio.

She’s fair as the rosе.
Like a lamb, she is meek,
And she never was known
To put paint on her cheek.
In the most graceful curls
Hangs her raven black hair,
And she never requires porfumery there,

Evelina and I, one fine evening in June.
Took a walk all alone, by the light of the moon.
The planets all shone for the heavens were clear,
And I felt round iny heart, oh, so mightily queer,

Three years have gone by, and I’ve not got a dollar.
Evelina still in the green, krassy hollow.
Although ugh I am fated to marry her never,
I love her I’m sure, forever and ever.

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