The Song Of Perry’s Victory
The Song of Perry’s Victory
Ye tars of Columbia, give ear to my storys
Who fought with brave Perry when cannons did Four!
Your Valor has kained you an Immortal glory
A fame that will last until time is no more
Columbian tars are the true sons of Mars
They rake fure and aft when they fight on the deep
On the bed of Lave Erle, commanded by Perry
They caused mans, Britons to take their last sleep
The tenth of September let us all remember
As long as the globe on ita axle torna round!
Our tara and marines on Lake Kele were seen
To make the proud lag of Great Britain come down
The van of our fleet the British did meat,
Commanded by Perry, the Lawrence bore down:
Our kuna they did roar with such terrifie power
The savages trembled at the dreadful sound
The Lawrence sustained a most dreadful fire-
She fought three full glasses, two to one or more
While Perry, undaunted, did firmly stand by her,
And on his proud foe fresh broadalden did pour
Our masta being shattered our rigging all tat- tered-
Our yards and our spars being all shot away,
And few on the deck for to manage the wreck,
So our hero on board her no longer could stay,
In this situation, the price of our nation,
Sure heaven had guarded unhurt all the while
While many a hero maintaining his station
Fall close by his side and was thrown on the pile
But mark ye with wonder, where elements thurder
And death and destruction are stalking around,
His flag he did carry on board the Niagara;
Such valor on record has never been found
The famous Niagara, being proud of her Perry
Displayed all her banners in kallart array:
Twenty-five guns upon her deck she did curry
Which soon put an end to this bloody affray
The Whole British fleet was captured complete-
Not one single vessel from us got away;
And prisoners some hundred dered Columbians won- dered
To see them all anchored and moored in one bay
Let brave Captain Elliott now be recorded
On board the Niagara he well played his part;
For his gallant assistance to Perry afforded,
We place him the second on Lake Erie’s chart
Saya Perry to Elliott “Come, give me your hand,
This day you have gained an Immortal renown:
As long as Columbians Lake Erle command
Let brave Captain Elliott with laurels be crowned”
May heaven still smile on the graves of those heroes
Who fought in the conquest their country to save,
Who broke the proud spirit of those British tyrants
Who sought to subdue us and make us all slaves
Columbians, sing and make the woods ring:
We’ll toast the brave heroes by sea and by land
While Britons drink sherry Columbians drink Perry:
We’ll toss it around with a full glass in hand