Autobiography, Bi Andru Katnegy
UncategorizedAutobiography, Bi Andru Katnegy
I kam from the Skotish Hilandz To the wildz of Amerika's planz,
Began my life as a massage boy, Which is monstrously good for the branz
I turned my hand to the steel business- (Be sure you spell that right)-…
The Killjoy.
UncategorizedThe Killjoy.
Although a fellow's down and out,
Why, matters might be worse;
And he can keep up courage stout
With nothing in his purse.
A chap can be light-hearted, then,
Although he has to toll;
But life is just a desert when
Soft! and low the music came,
And yet it every crevice filled;
Strains of melody so sweet
That s'en the mocking bird was stilled.
And then there came the silence, doe
When every note had passed away,
Leaving naught…
Down Among teh Dasies.
UncategorizedDown Among teh Dasies.
Down among the daiales by the running stream.
Where the waters rippie soft and low,
Sitting wi with my darling in a happy dream,
Heedless of the hours that come and go.
There I ineet my darling every summer…
National Monuments.
UncategorizedNational Monuments.
Count not the cost of honor to the dead!
The tribute that a mighty nation paya
To those who loved her well in former daya
Means more than gratitude for glories fied:
For overy noble man that she hath bred,
A BREATH of incense in the air.
The stirring pulse of all things new.
The earth wrapped in its morning dew
Lies chill and still, faint-green and fair,
A bird on wind thrills 'neath the sky.
Song of the Thrush.
UncategorizedSong of the Thrush.
Ah, the May was grand this mornin'!
Shure, how could I feel forlorn in
Such a land, when tree and flowers tossed their kisses to the breeze?
Could an Irish heart be quiet
While the spring was running riot,
Using’ Up the’ Scraps.
UncategorizedUsing' Up the' Scraps.
Aloysius Coll.
It's queer what Auntie Beck our cook
Can make with all th' scraps- She jes' gits out her little book
An' reads it, while she taps
An' beats 'em up with her big spoon,
Then pours 'em in a pan,…
While wafts of song blew shoreward, dim and sweet.
And sleeping still (because unwaked by you).
I dreamed and dreamed, and thought my visions truc.
I woke when all the crimson color faded
And wanton Autumn's lips and cheeks…
The Little Old Red Shawl
UncategorizedThe Little Old Red Shawl.
It now lies on the self, it is faded and torn,
That dear old shawl my mother wore
Tis all that is left for this heart to adore,
To bring to mind theme
How often the handa happy days tpo these folde have been…
Address to a Mummy
UncategorizedAddress to a Mummy.
Horace Smith
And thou hast walked about how strange a story!
In Thebes' streets three thousand years ago,
When the Memronium was in all its glory.
And Time had not begun to overthrow
Those temples, palaces, and…
Out of It
UncategorizedOut Of It.
I won't go out this summer
To see the baseball game.
To sit upon the bleachers
And help to place to blame
Where it belongs, or hoot at
The umpire as of vore;
For wife has made me promise her
Not to swear any more.
Love Life
UncategorizedLove Life.
Oh Love that will not let me go.
I rest my weary soul in thee,
I give thee back the ife I owe
That in thy ocean depths its now
May richer, fuller be.
Oh light, that followest all my way,
I yield my flickering torch to…
Title not found
I have not finished yet.
When our mutual friends, the great and versatile eriter,
Mr. Anonymous, learned that I had been assigned the
task of ''entertaining'' you here today,
he wrote extending his sympathies to
you, and with best wiahes…
UncategorizedHE'S AN ORATOR.
He don't pretend to be perlite
When speakin' of the other party.
It's no kid-glove, silkstockin' fight
He makes; he lams 'em good an'- hearty-
Jest talks right out an' takes the resk.
He ain't none of your careful…
I cannot lose thee, dearest, for thy voice
Is in the echoes of the circling winds,
Thy face in waning sunset's darkling lights,
Thine eyes in those deep stars which on me shine,
Thy kiss within the still and holy moon,
The Patriotic Dragon.
UncategorizedThe Patriotic Dragon.
("I love my country," said John D. Rockefeller to his
Sunday school upon his return from abroad.)
Once upon a time a Dragon
Lived in clover on a plain.
He could eat a horse and wagon
And he hated to refrain…
UncategorizedAS CHILDREN DO.
Sometimes, when night is creeping down
And all the world about is dim,
And he must go to Sleepytown,
You lie down at the side of him
And whisper soothing little things
In childish words, such as you frame
To tell…
Step Boldly to the Front
UncategorizedStep Boldly to the Front.
Step boldly to the front, farmers,
To the place where you belong,
And harken while I make your cause
The burden of my song.
Year after year you labor
To feed earth's hungry crew,
While trusts are wily scheming…
Dixie’s Land.
UncategorizedDixie's Land.
I wish I was in de land ob cotton.
Old times dar am not forgotten,
Look away! Look away!
Look away! Dixie land. In Dixie land whar
I was born in.
Early on one frosty mornin',
Look away! Look away!
Look away! Dixie…