Take Back Your Gold.
I saw a youth and maiden on a lonely eity street.
And thought them lovers at their meeting piace,
Until as I drew near I heard the girl's sad volee entreat
The one who heeded not her tear stained face.
I only…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/422-4-Take-Back-Your-Gold.jpg428394PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-19 05:01:242024-02-19 05:01:24Take Back Your Gold.
Little Boy Blue.
The little toy dog is covered with dust.
Yet sturdy and stanch he stands;
The little toy soldier is red with rust,
And his musket molds in his hands.
Time was when the little toy dog was new,
And the…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/416-8-Little-Boy-Blue.jpg423338PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-18 21:57:352024-02-18 21:57:35Little Boy Blue.
The wind is howling through the streets,
The walls are shaken by the storm;
But tucked between the snowy sheets
My little one is safe and warm.
November's wrath is roused tonight:
The storm king's hounds…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/505-7-WHEN-THE-LITTLE-ONE-IS-SAFE.jpg619554PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-18 03:45:372024-02-18 03:45:37WHEN THE LITTLE ONE IS SAFE.
The Horse of Too Much Trouble.
In the house of too much trouble
Lived & lonely little boy:
He was eager for a playmate,
He was hungry for a toy.
But 'twas always too much trouble,
Too much dirt and too much noise,
For the house…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/457-1-The-Horse-of-Too-Much-Trouble.jpg619453PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-18 00:01:362024-02-18 00:01:36The Horse of Too Much Trouble.
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(A. W. B., in London Daily Chronicle.)
Half a leng, half a leag.
Half a leag onward!
Out of Reformers' paths
Strike the Three Hundred!
Fired by the zeal tu spel boldly if not tu wel.
Strike! Bring them down…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/553-13-THE-NEW-BATTLE-CRY.jpg790528PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-17 08:37:242024-02-17 08:37:24THE NEW BATTLE CRY.
The First Forget-Me-Not.
A Legend.
Upon the Danube's brink it grew,
A blossom of celestial hue,
A nameless flower-
Or was it but a turquoise rare,
Set in the gold of sunbeams there
By some strange power?
A gallant to his lady sighed,…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/249-2-The-First-Forget-Me-Not.jpg844307PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-17 07:26:202024-02-17 07:26:20The First Forget-Me-Nottimelesspoem
The Ocean's Blue.
When the busy day is o'er
And the sun is sinking lower
Then I seem to see my dear old Western home,
And the long years roll away. ain I play
Just a child again
With my playmates in the woods I used to roam.
The Consumer's Turn.
For all these years I've suffered, but
My turn has come at last;
They stare at me in envy from
The jails when I go past.
I may have suffered from them, but I hold no angry hate,
For vengeance comes to those of…
Get Busy
Don't say: "There's nothing doing:
It's no sort of use to try.
There's heaps of things a-brewing
For a ten-strike, by and byt
And the man to whom it's coming
Is hot upon the trail;
Not in a corner, hummingt
"Guess I'll-fall!"
A Spanish Cavaller.
A Spanish cavaller stood on his retreat,
And on his guitar played a tune, dear;
The music so sweet I oft times repeat.
The blessings of my country and you, dear.
Say, darling, sny, when I'm far away.
The Dreamer.
He used to dream of things he'd do
When grown to be a man,
Beguiling boyhood years away
With many an idle plan.
And now, when grown to be a man,
He knows no greater joy
Than dreaming of the things he'd do
If still he…
To Mary in Heaven.
By Robert Burns.
Thou ling'ring star, with less ring ray,
That lov's; to greet the early morn,
Again thou usher'st in the day
My Mary from my soul was torn.
O Mary! dear departed shade!
Where is thy place of blissful…
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Christmas Song.
All joys, I thought, from Christmas fled
When good Saint Nicholas drove away
Forever in his reindeer sleigh,
When last, from my low trundle-bed,
I watched the gray east growing red,
With heart of feverish eagerness,…
Kiss Her
At the last annual dinner of the
Friendly Hans of St Patrick, In
New York, Thomas Augustin Daly of
Phila- delphia had something to say of the
joys of married life, and he told how
to preserve these joys in this poem:
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/57-4-Kiss-Her.jpg692495PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-15 12:54:582024-02-15 12:54:58Kiss Her
Looking for Trouble.
If what "they say" is really true, that all the woes that vex
The men-folks are occasioned by the fairer, weaker sex,
The former ought to sail away across the wide, wide sea
To some far land where they could dwell…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/409-6-Looking-for-Trouble.jpg197335PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-15 09:16:172024-02-15 09:16:17Looking for Trouble.
Their meeting, it was sudden:
Their meeting. It was sad:
She sacrificed her sweet young life-
"Twas all the life she had-
She sleeps beneath the daisies fair:
In peace she's resting now-
Oh, there's always something…
Song Of Summer Days.
Sing a song of hollow logs,
Chirp of cricket, croak of frogs,
Cry of wild birds, hum of bees,
Dancing leaves and whisp'ring trees;
Legs all bare and dusty toes,
Ruddy cheeks and freckled nose,
Splash of brook…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/208-7-Song-Of-Summer-Days.jpg472331PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-15 03:00:542024-02-15 03:00:54Song Of Summer Days.
Fuller and Warren.
Te sons of Columbia, your attention I crave
While & sorrowful altty I tell
Which happened of late in old Initiana state
Of a hero whom fow could excel
Ilks Ramson, be courted the foy of his life.
And intended to…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/127-4-2-Fuller-and-Warren.jpg326406PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-15 02:15:592024-02-15 02:15:59Fuller and Warren.
The Wonderful One Hoss SHay.
Have you heard of the wonderful one hoss shay,
That was built in such a logical way
It ran a hundred years to a day,
And then of a sudden, it-ah, but stay-
I'll tell you what happened…
https://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/490-2-The-Wonderful-One-Hoss-SHay.jpg819398PoemAdminhttp://timelesspoem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/timelesspoemlogo.pngPoemAdmin2024-02-14 21:04:262024-02-14 21:04:26The Wonderful One Hoss SHay.
Take Back Your Gold.
UncategorizedLittle Boy Blue.
UncategorizedThe Horse of Too Much Trouble.
UncategorizedThe Car of Salvation
UncategorizedTHE NEW BATTLE CRY.
UncategorizedThe First Forget-Me-Not
UncategorizedThe Ocean’s Blue.
UncategorizedThe Consumer’s Turn.
UncategorizedGet Busy
UncategorizedA Spanish Cavaller.
UncategorizedThe Dreamer.
UncategorizedTo Mary in Heaven
LoveChristmas Song.
UncategorizedKiss Her
family, loveLooking for Trouble.
UncategorizedTHE USUAL RESULT.
UncategorizedSong Of Summer Days.
UncategorizedFuller and Warren.
FamilyThe Wonderful One Hoss SHay.