Too Late.

Too Late.

And so you have comeback to me.
Since time at last has set you free.
And offered me again the heart
Whose earthly hope was found in thee.
And so you come to me once more,
And say the old love’s growing, yet
You’ve tried through all these dreary years
You’ve tried though vainly to forget.

Come close and let me see your face.
Your chestnut hair is touched with snow.
But yet Is it the same dear face
I loved so fondly years ago.
The same that on that summer day.
Bent over me and kissed my brow.
Oh, happy hour of trusting falth.
Oh, well, it is all over now.

No. no. I cannot take your hand.
God never gives us back our youth.
The falth and love you questioned then
Was given to you in perfect truth:
A woman’s ways, a woman’s tongue,
Sent doubt and anguish to your breast.
You left me and my heart is dead,
No voice can ere disturb its rest.

Forgive. I cannot say th the word:
You never meant to do me wrong.
God sent this anguish to my heart
To help me to be brave and strong.
For well I think I love you, yet
As friend to friend. God bless you, dear!
And lead you through the darkened ways
To where the skies are always clear.

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