The daughter that prettied so sweet on his knes,
Ere he followed the tempter, on where now is she?
Does her eye brighten now when she llats to his tread?
She flees from his presence with terror and dread!
The boy once as proud…
Everyday Blindness.
We seek for beauty on the height afar;
But on the earth it glimmers all the while:
'Tis in the garden where the roses aro; ""
Tis in the glory of a mother's smile,
We seek for wisdom in each solemn look
But aye,…
The Laugh Rings Far.
If you would be heard at all, my lad
Keep a laugh in your heart and throat:
For those who are deaf to accents sad
Are alert to the cheerful note.
Keep hold of the cord of laughter's hell.
Keep aloof from the…
Castle Yesterday.
In the Valley of Contentment, just be
yond the Hills of old.
Where the streams are always aliver and
The runshine siwave gold.
Where the hour is ever morning and the
akien are never gray,
In the yellow hage of springtime…
Missionary Song.
Over the ocean wave, far, far away.
There the poor heathen live, waiting for day.
Groping in ignorance dark as the night
No blessed Bible to give them the light.
Pity them pity them. Christians at home,
Great-Grandma's Wedding.
By Catherine Jewett
SWEET Great-grandma looks a saint,
With her white hair, and her quaint '
Broidered kerchief folded down
Primly o'er her satin gown,
As she tells in accents low,
Wonder tales of long ago,…
No Help for It.
I saw Montaigne upon a stand:
Ho amiled a Gallie smile quite bland
And beckoned me. Had I the time
I might have stopped. topped.
But 'twas To waste upon Montaigne a look a crime
When I'd not read the latest book.
As… 10:00:392024-03-25 10:00:39No Help for It.timelesspoem
How dear to my heart is the steady sub- acriber,
Who pays in advance, without alkipping Bye year;
Who inys down his dollar, and effers it gladly,
And casta 'round the office a halo of cheer.
Who never says: "Stop…
Oh, to think that the world will go on
After we are dead!
Lovers will go on loving
The old, old words will be said.
New buds will bloom in April,
And white be the apple-bough;
June will return, the birds troop back,…
In November.
When October's golden days
Darken to November's haze
You can sing a song of praise
And a joyful endence raise
If your step is spry.
But if with the nipping breeze
You are lame in both your knees
As the leaves…
When He Got Drunk Again.
When young I had a fortune. I thought t'would ne'er be sunk,
I spent it all a-gambling one night when I not drunk.
So early next morning my head was racked with pain,
My heart was ailed with sadness, so I got… 14:47:462024-03-24 14:47:46When He Got Drunk Again.
A Traveler.
By Olinton Sollard
A By Clinton Beollard in Outlook
Into the dusk and snow
One fared on yesterday;
No man of us may know
By what mysterious way.
He had been comrade long;
We fain would hold him still;
But, though our will…
The Old Rocking Chair
It stands over there in the enen alone,
The varnish is cracked and one rooker is gone)
What's left of its tidy is dusty and brown
And ecatiored and ellent its fringes bang downt
No bongater sopeareth to warble… 13:40:172024-03-24 13:40:17The Old Rocking Chair
"Land of our birth, our faith, our pride,
For whose dear sake our fathers died,
Oh, Motherland, we pledge to thee
Head, heart and hand through years to be!
It would seem as if the farmer of
New York had memorized the…
To the living soul in the city of San Fran clean,
Thou shalt rias-our City of the Sun!
For, ever in a nory death like thine,
Ere Bearce the flamos be fled,
A recreation in bogun:
Even as in Arabia the Divine,
A plunued and centuried…
Babies short and babies tall,
Bables big and babies small.
Blue-eyed bables, bables haiir,
Brown-eyed babies, with lots of hair.
Babies so tiny tiny they the can't sit up;
Babies that drink from a silver cup:
Bables that…
A March Glee.
I hear the wild geese honking
From out the misty night,
A sound of moving armles
On-sweeping in their might;
The river ice is drifting
Beneath their northward fight.
I hear the bluebird plaintive
From out the morning… 23:12:232024-03-23 23:12:23A March Glee
Міs Pikes Jes called the fust time fer
A month o Sundays I've seen her-
She took on scan'luss about me
A-litlu here alone, an' she
Jes up au said, "A ranch was not
The place fer widders," an' she sot
An' harped…
A cowpuncher's cafay A
It is that-o-way,
An' we sulke it kerslam 'bout three times a day:
When cook rells, "Come git it!"
He don't have to plead,
"Hi yip! all you logles, come gather your feed!"
Settin' On The Horseblock
Settin' on the horseblock,
Gazin' at the sky,
Watchin' of the little clouds
Satlin' slowly by:
Settin' on the horseblock,
List'nin' to the bees
Dronin' In the buckwheat flow'rs,
Pourin' in the peas;
Settin'… 21:37:432024-03-23 21:37:43Settin’ On The Horseblock
UncategorizedEveryday Blindness
UncategorizedThe Laugh Rings Far.
UncategorizedCastle Yesterday
HolidayMissionary Song.
UncategorizedGreat-Grandma’s Weeing
InspirationalNo Help for It.
UncategorizedTHE EDITOR’S SONG.
UncategorizedIn November.
UncategorizedWhen He Got Drunk Again.
UncategorizedA Traveler
TravelThe Old Rocking Chair
Art and CreativityTHE FARMER.
San FranciscoBabies
UncategorizedA March Glee
UncategorizedTHE WIDOW’S LOT.
UncategorizedTHE CHUCK WAGON.
UncategorizedSettin’ On The Horseblock