Good-bye to Chinatown

Good-Bye Chinatown. 6.1 Oh! where are the smells of Chinatown That punctured the sait sea air, And the steep lod street and the sandal'd Dot's Feet! And the Nolpe? fend in his lair? Oh! where are the lanterns that swung anout, With their dragons…

To Edwin Markham

To Edwin Markham. 233.5 Flash the heart's gloom aflame with Freedom's fire Thrill the chained frame of labor with desire For sweet, sweet liberty. Lift downcast eyes toward the morning light, Rouse the slave mind to daring dreams of right,…

Title not found

581.1 I have not finished yet. When our mutual friends, the great and versatile eriter, Mr. Anonymous, learned that I had been assigned the task of ''entertaining'' you here today, he wrote extending his sympathies to you, and with best wiahes…


HE'S AN ORATOR. 597.1 He don't pretend to be perlite When speakin' of the other party. It's no kid-glove, silkstockin' fight He makes; he lams 'em good an'- hearty- Jest talks right out an' takes the resk. He ain't none of your careful…


EPILOG. 303.3 I cannot lose thee, dearest, for thy voice Is in the echoes of the circling winds, Thy face in waning sunset's darkling lights, Thine eyes in those deep stars which on me shine, Thy kiss within the still and holy moon, Thine…

The Patriotic Dragon.

The Patriotic Dragon. 559.5 ("I love my country," said John D. Rockefeller to his Sunday school upon his return from abroad.) Once upon a time a Dragon Lived in clover on a plain. He could eat a horse and wagon And he hated to refrain…


AS CHILDREN DO. 409.9 Sometimes, when night is creeping down And all the world about is dim, And he must go to Sleepytown, You lie down at the side of him And whisper soothing little things In childish words, such as you frame To tell…

Step Boldly to the Front

Step Boldly to the Front. 176.7 Step boldly to the front, farmers, To the place where you belong, And harken while I make your cause The burden of my song. Year after year you labor To feed earth's hungry crew, While trusts are wily scheming…

Dixie’s Land.

Dixie's Land. 474.3 I wish I was in de land ob cotton. Old times dar am not forgotten, Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie land. In Dixie land whar I was born in. Early on one frosty mornin', Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie…


Lyon. 330.5 Sing, birds, on green Missouri's plain, The saddest songs of sorrow, Drop tears, oh, clouds of gentlest rain, Ye from the winds can borrow; Breathe out, ye winds, your softest sigh, Weep flowers of dewy splendor For hiin who…

A Dramatic Lyric.

A Dramatic Lyric. 297.2 SOMETIMES happens that the editors of IT a magazine receive contributions that they enjoy tremendously, but for one reason or another they cannot exactly use in the de- partment for which the matter was submit-…

Way Out In the West.

Way Out In the West. 416.6 There's a country famed in story, As you've oftentimes been en told, 'Tis a land of mighty rivers, Running over sands of gold. The abode of peace and plenty. And with quietness 'tla blest, But this country that's…

Why Should We Mourn?

Why Should We Mourn? 3199 Why should we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarms? "Tis but the volce that Jesus sends, To call them to his arms Are we not tending upward too As fast as time can move? Nor should we wish the…

The Reson I Left the Farm

"The Reson I Left the Farm. 83.3 ""There's that speckled calf, do you see him? Well, he's a Christmas gift for you, Jim. He's not been doing well this fall; He's got so he won't come when I call. But you can have him for a Christmas gift, Go…

The Children

The Children 1537 Mother of many children I-sprung of my heart and my brain- And some have been borne in gladness and some have been borne in pain, But one has gone singing from out my door Never to come again Content and Ease and Comfort-they…


SONG. 256.4 SWEET is the birth of love, and the awaking, The bashful dream, the faltering desire, The vision fair,- of all fair things partaking.- The wonder, the communicable fire: Sweet, sweet the need to give and to obtain. And sweet…

The School Master’s Thesis.

The School Master's Thesis. 281.1 And set his white teeth close together, And gave his thin lips a short twist, As to say. I could whly you, confound you, Could such things be done with the fist. There were two knowing girls in the corner,…


Triumphulent. 201.6 There was a boy who thought he knew Much more than grown-up people do But when they asked him how to spell Triumphulent," he couldn't tell, And said he'd only got to "hat"" And other easy words like that, But couldn't…


Araluen. 240.2 Take this rose and very gently place it on the tend, dxp Moses where our little darling Aralue: lles asleop: Put the blossoms close to baby-kneel with me. my love, and pray: We must leave the bird, we've burled-say good- by to…


GRANDMA'S GARGEN. 298.9 In Grandma's dear old-fashioned garden, Where countless flowers grow, Nodding in the soft south wind, Gently swaying to and fro, Overhead the birds are singing, To the dear old-fashioned flowers, And the honey…