CHOLLIE. 442.4 He was a youth of high degree, His collar monstrous tall, He lithped a pretty little lithp. And danced at every ball; He ogled every girl he saw, His nerve was mostly gall; He had a bad cold in his head, And that was a…


THE NINE-LIVED CORN. 458.3 The corn was killed in early May- The flood had wasted it quite away. And later on it died again,. And rotted 'neath the constant rain. Once more we tolled its final knell; The seed had not been tested well. Yet…

A Leap-Year Plunge.

A Leap-Year Plunge. 394.5 Oh, a dreary life it are To be a fascinatin' tar And live on land in leap-year when the willin' maids is wooin'; And it drives me half insane When I thinks o' Mary Jane And the way that I rejected of 'er billin'…

The Emhattled Far,mers.

The Emhattled Farmers. 255.10 There's an army on the murch, Which plies neither word nor torch; No flags or banners mark the troopers' way. There are times it fights by night, Then again in broad daylight, And the farmer is its special…


Twilight. 153.5 Crested waves and a long gray beach Far and far as the eyes may reach- Twilight falling on tide and foam, On a silvery sea-gull winging home, On a little pool left by the spendthrift sea Where pale stars gladden the heart…

A Question

A Question. Mabel Mahin 191.2 I study the faces of old women And ask myself a question, new and strange. To my own features will there come a change? That look of meek submission? Am I, then, No different from the others? And again, I ask,…

When You Have Christ for a Friend

When You Have Christ for a Friend. 84.9 Why do you feel discouraged? Why are you down-hearted and sad?" God's watchful care never falletin; In that thouglit rejuler, be glad. For as sure as storm-clouds threaten There is one who w will defend.…


BUSINESS DIPLOMACY. 600.2 Ees fat Dootch barber gotta shop Tree door from deesa bootblack stan', An' when he see da trade I gat He try for bust me eef he can, An' so be geeve outside hees shop A chalr for neegger bootblack man. You theenk…

Wrap teh Flag Around Me, Hoys.

Wrap teh Flag Around Me, Hoys. 399.8 Oh, wrap the flag around me, boys, To die were far more sweet With freedom's starry emblem, boys, To be my winding sheet. In life I loved to see it wave, And followed where it led, But now my eyes…

Kipling’s Call to the Children.

Kipling's Call to the Children. 549.6 Father in heaven, who lovest all, Oh, help thy children when they call, That they may build from age to age An undefiled heritage. Teach us to bear the yoke in youth With steadfastness and careful truth,…

Never Alone

Never Alone 84-3 (Still another version) Lonely, no not lonely, while Jesus standeth ty His presence always cheers me I know that he is them: Friendless-no, not friendlere, for Jesus is my Friend: I change but he remaineth the same unto the…

Father William

Father William By Lewis Carroll 891 You are old Father William, the young man wald And your half has become very whites And yet you incremantly stand on your head Do you think, at your age, it is right?" "In my youth," Father William reptied…


GRAPES. 298.10 Conserve of honey in deep purple glaze Of the red-ripened glory of October days, Dow of the fairies in globes of delight, With the freshness of frost in their tang and their bite. The Concord, Catawba, the sweet Isabel, Oh,…


NOBODY TO BLAME BUT YOURSELF. 463.2 You married a maiden you thought to be rich, And found that she hadn't a dime, And, yoked to a flighty extravagant shrew, You bewail your sad lot all the time You dream of a girl who was pure as a pearl, And…


CUBA. JAMES BARRON HOPE 272.1 O'er thy purple hills, O Cuba! Through thy valleys of romance, All thy glorious dreams of freedom Are but dreamt as in a trance. Mountain pass and fruitful valley- Mural town and spreading plain Show the…

Christmas Greeting.

Christmas Greeting. 554.3 Christmas bells are ringing: Angel volces singing. "Peace on earth, good will to man." Christmas praises sounding: Christmas joys abounding: Take and give what joy you can! Giving or receiving. Christmas gifts…

My Hiding Place

My Hiding Place. 89-2 (The following poem was written by Major An- dre a few days before his execution.) Hall, sovereign love, which first began The scheme to rescue failen men; Hall, matchless free eternal grace, Which gave my soul a hiding…

Shells of Ocean.

Shells of Ocean. 256.6 One summer eve, with pensive thoughts, I wandered on the sea-best shore, Where oft in heedless infant sport I gathered shells in days before. The splashing waves like music fell Responsive to my fancy wild: A dream…

Amateur Photography

Amateur Photography. 58.3 I'M so used to Madge's ways That to please her, I endeavor Any work she does to praise- Good or bad, I call it clever. I'D a fair stenographers Quite a dear it seems a pity: Madge a photograph of her Made, and…

Never Alone

Never Alone 84-2 (Another version) Lo! I am with you alway, Even unto the end: When you are sad and weary I will my comfort send When on the path before you Shadows of sorrow lle, Then will I send my sunshine, Then will I need your cгу Chorla No…